WORKFORCE: Career Pathways

Employment Growth, Skills and Knowledge, Job Zones, Career Pathways, Industrial Demand, Wages/Projections, Peer Postsecondary, TN Postsecondary, Cluster Awards, Implement 

Career pathways is a taxonomy defined by the United States Department of Education. Career pathways are programs of study related to defined occupations that exist in the United States economy. There are over 70 career pathways that are organized within 16 career clusters. Below are projected openings and average wages for each of the 16 career clusters, using data source from Jobs4TN and Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

2030 Projected Openings

1 Trans/Dist/Logistics 14,103 44,004
2 Bus Management 13,328 56,393
3 Hospitality 12,609 28,803
4 Health Science 7,556 54,564
5 Marketing 7,495 45,563
6 Manufacturing 6,108 44,657
7 Arch / Construction 3,303 49,302
8 Law, Public Safety 3,299 44,265
9 Education-Training 3,243 58,310
10 Human Services 3,201 40,376
11 Finance 1,331 78,670
12 Info Tech 1,051 85,937
13 Agriculture 946 47,442
14 Arts, AV Tech, COM 926 54,158
15 Government 520 55,451
16 STEM 501 94,314

2022 Average Wages

1 STEM 501 94,314
2 Info Tech 1,051 85,937
3 Finance 1,331 78,670
4 Education-Training 3,243 58,310
5 Bus Management 13,328 56,393
6 Government 520 55,451
7 Health Science 7,556 54,564
8 Arts, AV Tech, COM 926 54,158
9 Arch / Construction 3,303 49,302
10 Agriculture 946 47,442
11 Marketing 7,495 45,563
12 Manufacturing 6,108 44,657
13 Law, Public Safety 3,299 44,265
14 Trans/Dist/Logistics 14,103 44,004
15 Human Services 3,201 40,376
16 Hospitality 12,609 28,803