Employment Growth, Skills and Knowledge, Job Zones, Career Pathways, Industrial Demand, Wages/Projections, Peer Postsecondary, TN Postsecondary, Cluster Awards, Implement
Some have described the image below as the “Educonomy”. In this way, the Educonomy provides a framework for the development and deployment of a regional, career infused curriculum. Such a curriculum is often referred to as career pathways. The PathTrek research base supports the implementation of career pathways.
PathTrek Research Base
Research Based Career Pathways Implementation Map
EMPLOYER DEMAND | Customers | Identify customers and stakeholders of the regional labor market and conduct an initial consultation. Include Educators, Employers, Policymakers and Parents. Set meeting schedule and identify next steps. |
Communication | Establish a Common Language of Careers to support effective communication between stakeholders. | |
Data | Establish authoritative data sources to track occupational projections, required knowledge and skills, industry occupational demand, occupational supply and demand, career pathways. Consider leveraging public domain data to minimize cost. Identify current initiatives underway to serve regional labor market in order to fully leverage those assets. | |
WORKFORCE/CAREER PATHWAYS | Self-Exploration & Occupational Skill Dev. informed by LMI | Deploy interests, work value (TWA) and occupational skill assessments in the 9-adult curriculum. Select instructional and technology resources to support Self Exploration, Career Exploration, Career Pathways Planning and ILP integration into the curriculum. |
Career Exploration & Occupation Skill Dev. informed by LMI | Align and integrate career exploration activities into the academic curriculum embracing the constructivist concept of "story". Appropriate for 9-Adult. Curriculum Integration in high school recommended for grades 9-11 | |
Career Pathways Planning & Occupation Skill Dev. informed by LMI | Align and integrate career planning activities into the academic curriculum embracing the constructivist concept of "story". Appropriate for 9-Adult. Curriculum Integration in high school recommended for grades 11-12. Use supply and demand data to inform technical course and dual credit offering. Leverage employer partnerships to offer apprenticeship programs and school to work opportunities. | |
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (IMPLEMENT) | Administrators and Execs: Education, Employers, Parents and Policymakers | Awareness training of regional labor market, common language, data sources, instructional design and relationship to regional occupational skill demand |
Career Counselors and Human Resource Professionals | Extensive training for career counselors and regional HR personnel as facilitators supporting integration of careers and common language into the mainstream curriculum for all learners. Designate needed training venues for diverse audiences of 9-12, workforce, adult learning and post-secondary. | |
Teachers / Instructors | Provide support for career counselors in the delivery of professional development and coaching for teachers and instructors for career and common language curriculum integration. Determine training venues for diverse community audiences. | |